NOS is committed to comply with the requirements of Singapore on Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of Public Character (IPCs) in upholding high standards of values on accountability and transparency within our organisation. It also aims to promote good practice.

To encourage transparency and accountability, NOS encourages the whistle-blower to identify himself/herself. To protect the whistle-blower, the organisation will handle confidentially the whistle-blower’s identity and the information he/she provides.

For any concern on noncompliance, improprieties or any other wrongdoing, the channel for reporting:

To: The Chairman
Email: [email protected]

By mail:
Marked “Private and Confidential”
Attention to: The Chairman
New Opera Singapore
28 Aliwal Street
Aliwal Arts Centre
Singapore 199918

This Policy was issued on 24 August 2019.

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